Jane Burgermeister

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Jane Burgermeister is a science journalist who filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), the United States government, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and several medical and pharmaceutical laboratories, most notably Baxter. The complaint accuses the organizations and their representatives to commit several felonies in connection with the Bioterrorism, with the attempted genocide, mass murder, the coercion of the constitutional bodies, high treason, among other chargeds.[1]

Bürgermeister was born in Switzerland from an Irish mother and Austrian father and lives in Vienna, Austria.

She received a Master degree Honors from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and has written for the magazine Nature , British Medical Journal ' The Scientist , Reuters Health , and The Guardian among other publications.

She was an European correspondent for the website in the world of renewable energy, a position from which she was fired abruptly in July 2009 after filing a series of criminal charges against Baxter and WHO based in bioterrorism and the intent to commit mass murder.

In April Bürgermeister pressed charges against Baxter International for the production of an avian flu vaccine contaminated to cause a global pandemic.

The focus of the first shootout was an episode in February 2009 when the Austrian subsidiary of Baxter distributed 72 kilos of material contaminated with live virus vaccines for avian influenza to sixteen laboratories and unleashed an investigation by the Austrian police.

[modifica] Referenze

  1. Barbara Minton. Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder. June 25, 2009. URL consultato il November 12, 2009.

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